Laura Rose Boyle


Laura Rose Boyle utilizes a holistic approach to bodywork, customizing each treatment in response to the whole person - mind, body and spirit. This client-centered approach increases awareness of the mind-body connection, promoting well being and increasing vitality.


Laura Rose has been practicing and refining the art of her Listening Touch since 2000 when she graduated from the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics where she studied Natural Therapeutics Bodywork, Swedish Massage, Polarity Therapy, Reflexology, CranioSacral, Core Synchronism, Acupressure and Reflexology.  Since completing her training, her unquenchable thirst for learning led her to study Manual Lymph Drainage, Thai Massage, and Breema Bodywork. She also has advanced training in Oncology Massage and is certified in Pre-Natal and Post-Natal Massage. 

She is a passionate listener and uses a technique called Focusing to help make contact with what is really meaningful, as well create more inner peace, and is now studying Hakomi body-centered psychotherapy to help listen and facilitate healing on an even deeper level.